So this is a pretty cool event that i dont think anyone should miss. It will be a car show that is absolutely free, to watch or join. There will be many prizes given out and also raffles. There will even be a Dyno there, but only for 2WD cars. At this event they will have a DJ, sexy car models, free food, full media coverage, judges, trophies, prizes, raffle’s and much more. So mark you calendar.
Everyone is welcome to join.
When: August 21st @ 12pm.** If you want to dyno, be there by 11am, the earlier the better. If you want to participate in the show with your car, be there before 10:30am
Where: Lincoln Tech15-30 Petracca PlaceWhitestone, NY 11357
Fee: Free
For more info please visit the following link:
Car Show/Dyno