AUDI.BMW 3 Series and A4 Car Meets, September 2nd, 2010 (Thursday)

So this week for Thursday there is a car meet in Brooklyn. This meet is for BMW 3 series models and m3's and Audi B8 Models... A4 and S4. There is already a weekly meet there so now we are just trying to get it a but more popular before summer ends. It will be @ Caesars Bay Parking lot by Exit 5 off the Belt PKWY. By the Best Buy, Modells, Toys R US, etc shopping center. 

Coding will be available for Audi and Bmw model cars if your interested in doing any mods for your cars. You can see samples of videos on the website

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When: Thursday night @ 9:30 pm
Where: Caesars Bay Parking lot in Brooklyn : 8923 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11214
Fee: Free to come and hang out... Coding will be available so email the eurocoding guys for rates if your planing on getting anything done.

See you there...